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it is hard when we have someone that we crushed with |
case pertama: cik nk g mkn marry brown ngn mmbe cik nie,mmbe cik yg drive..tgh2 dy drive,
mmbe: (speaking on the phone) B, org nk keluar nie,kat marry brown,ngn nina ngn nadia..(her bf is speaking maybe)..haa,org drive...( bf is speking again)..ptg baru balik kot..ok,take care..
cik nina's court held that: alamak korg nie,bf 2 bkn nye suami korg,xyah la minx izin bagai..cik xberkenan betui laa..lgpon,kalo korg xikot ape yg dorg ckp 2 nusyuz kah??
case kedua: (nie bkn pengalaman cik,tp rumate cik) mmbe beliau,g kelas pkai BAJU KURUNG SAHAJA..xakan pkai seluar or skirt wat ever else,sbb bf dy yg suruh..mesti korg kata baguihnye pkwe dy,cik pon tertipu..tp nnt dulu kamoo2 sekalian..sekali cik dpt tw yg dy keluar ngn bf dy, pakai seluar..pakai baju yang hot2 gitu..
cik nina's court held that: aduyai,cik pnye la nyaris nk respect bf beliau,sekali,upe-upenye,bf beliau ckp,jgn pkai seluar (pakai hot2 ) except time keluar ngn dy..WTHeck! cik ase la kan,a bf should take care of his gf if he really loves that girl..pkai baju kurung g kelas 2 mmg dah baik dah,,but bab yg pkai seluar ngn dy je 2,,cik xleh nk setuju la,,jatuh trus tabik cik kat bf dy
case ketiga: cik tgh study,,then suddenly rumate cik nanges..cik pon tnye la.."beb,nape ko nanges nie?" "****(her bf name),dy maki2 ak.." "loh,nape dy nk maki2 ko plak?" "ntah la,dy tgh bengang ngn mmbe dy.."...
cik nina's court held that: ok girls,kalo korg jmpe guys yg mcm nie,i'm strictly saying that "YOU SHOULD THROW HIM AWAY!!!" hahaha..time happy,amboi,bkn main lagi syg2 kau ye,,sekali,,bila tgh hangin,,ko maki2 mmbe ak ye? cik xsuka betul la laki cm nie,for me, it's not gentleman,,i'll give a big credit to those yg tahu menghormati perempuan..even their face is just a so-so..
case keempat: cik tgk unnie2 dlm kelas cik 2,,sume dah kena tinggal ngn pkwe2 dorg,,upenye dorg sume dah diduakan,,hoho..cik tgk masing2 kat fb semacam je..status sume dah jd yang jiwang2,,abes ngn cik2 skali berjangkit wat status jiwang2 karat,,haha
cik nina's court held that: korg kalo yg dah kena dump 2,,jgn la meroyan smpai xegt dunia,,cik tumpang sedih,,kalo cik pnye bf la wat cm tu,,cik xtw nk kata apa,,n akan act mcmne,,sbb cik xpenah ade experience kan..mybe korg akn ckp yg cik xphm pape sbb xpenah kapel,,but then,mende nie cik ase sume bole pk sendiri,,kita ada akal n fikiran,,ape slhnye kalo kita ditinggalkan? life must go on rite? there must be somewhere out there were specially made for u,,dont worry much ok?
ok,somehow cik ok je kalo korg sume xlalu case2 yg cik sebut2 kat ats 2,,cik restu lah per'kapel'an korg 2,,kalo x,,siap la korg pnye bf,,better be careful with me!!haha..tu je lah cik nk bebel ari nie..nite2 u all..
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